The Human Rights Centre of Ghent University is proud to announce the appearance of the book: “Fragmentation and Integration in Human Rights Law:Users’ Perspectives”, published with Edgar Elgar.
From the perspective of rights holders and duty bearers, human rights law appears as an increasingly complex field of law, consisting of different levels, actors and norms. The fragmentation of human rights law has resulted in an uncoordinated legal architecture that may in some circumstances create obstacles for effective human rights protection. Against this background, this volume examines how to make sense – in both theoretical and practical terms – of these multiple layers of human rights law through which human rights users have to navigate.
This book marks the end of the IAP-project “The Global Challenge of Human Rights Integration: Towards a Users’ Perspective (HRI)”. This project was funded by Belspo, the Belgian Science Policy Office.
More information on the book can be found here