All children and young people have the right to be heard in matters that affect them. The corona-crisis has a big impact on their lives and rights. Nevertheless, their perspectives are barely taken seriously in the public debate in Belgium. That’s why children’s rights organisations in Flanders joined forces to survey a large group of 8 to 17-year olds about their experiences and needs in corona-times. In this event, we give the floor to 5 young people to share their views on the results of this research.
More information on the survey at the survey page on the Keki website.
More information about the panel discussion, organised by HRC-members prof. Wendy De Bondt, Elise Blondeel, Heleen Lauwereys and Sara Lembrechts, in cooperation with 5 motivated young people and with Kenniscentrum Kinderrechten (Keki vzw), can be found on the website of De Krook