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International conference on prosecuting & sentencing offenders for several offences committed in the EU

Wendy De Bondt co-organised an international conference together with her PhD student  Nele Audenaert regarding the prosecution and sentencing of multi-offenders in Europe

At this conference the results of a comparative study focusing on the way multiple offenders are being punished within the EU was presented. For this study, the working definition of multiple offenders is “offenders that have committed several offences (either in one single act, either in different acts) before being finally convicted for one of them”. The offences committed by multiple offenders could be prosecuted at the same time, by one or by several Member States, or could be prosecuted in several parts in consecutive proceedings, also by one or by several Member States.

The results were presented by Prof. dr. Wendy De Bondt & Mrs. Nele Audenaert (Ghent University), Dr. Willem Geelhoed (University of Groningen), Dr. Frank Zimmermann (University of München), Dr. Annika Suominen (Stockholm University), Dr. Dan Helenius (University of Helsinki), Dr. Martyna Kusak (University of Poznan), Mrs. Diana Silva Pereira & Mrs. Luzia Prata Cordeiro (Portugal) and Dr. Federica Iovene (Italy)

Conference programme available in pdf.


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