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Pieter Cannoot defends doctoral thesis on sex, gender and sexual orientation

The Right to Personal Autonomy Regarding Sex (Characteristics), Gender (Identity and/or Expression) and Sexual Orientation: towards an Inclusive Legal System

Photo of Pieter Cannoot, Human Rights Centre, Ghent University Pieter Cannoot studies whether a legal framework based on (the recognition of a right to) personal autonomy regarding sex (characteristics), gender (identity/expression) and sexual orientation would enhance the legal status of LGBTIQ+ persons. In this regard, it not only addresses the question to what extent the present legal framework recognises, protects and fulfils the rights of sexual minorities and how potential gaps in legal protection could be tackled. Specific attention is also given to the possible role and value of constitutional law in this debate. The dissertation makes use of the Belgian legal order as an illustration of a stereotyped Western national legal system.


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