Founded in April 2010, the Strasbourg Observers Blog is soon celebrating its 15th Anniversary. To mark this occasion, we are organizing the Strasbourg Observers 15th Anniversary Symposium on the 8-9 May 2025 in Ghent, Belgium. The provisional programme can be found here.
The symposium will be an occasion for real-life exchange between the blog’s readers, contributors and the current and former members of its editorial team. With almost 5000 subscribers and over 1000 published blogposts, Strasbourg Observers has become a household name among scholars, students and practitioners working on/with/at the European Court of Human Rights.
When it launched in 2010, the blog had the intention to study the European Court of Human Rights’ case law with the aim of proposing innovative solutions to strengthen the consistency and persuasiveness of the Court’s legal reasoning so as to improve its accountability and transparency. The symposium is situated in the same tradition and is encouraging constructive dialogue between researchers and members of the Court.
If you would like to attend this two-day event in person, you can register through this link. The deadline for registration is the 1st of April 2025. The keynote on Friday will be held by the Chief Registrar of the European Court of Human Rights, Marialena Tsirli. This will be a hybrid event for which you will soon be able to register as well.