Angelo Matusse is a PhD Research Fellow. He studied law at Baku State University, in the former Soviet Union, where he completed his Masters in Public International Law (1991). He also holds a Masters Degree in International Business Law from QMW College of the University of London, 1995.
Angelo Matusse joined the Human Rights Centre as a researcher in 2010, to pursue his doctoral studies. At that time, he had just ceased to lecture in full at the Faculty of Law of the Eduardo Mondlane University, for having been appointed Assistant Attorney General of the Republic of Mozambique. In September 2014, he was sworn as a Judge of the African Court on Human and People’s Rights (AfCHPR), following his election to that position by the Assembly of the African Union, during its 25th Session in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. His current position of AfCHPR judge while a human rights researcher, undoubtedly, warrants a perfect combination.
His research focuses on the responsibility of States to protect children from sexual abuse, targeting, in particular, the specific case of Mozambique, his home country.
Angelo Matusse is a member of the human rights component of the VLIR-UOS Institutional Cooperation Programme with Mozambique DESAFIO.