Ariel is a doctoral researcher specialised in feminist legal theory and critical legal masculinity studies at the University of Antwerp and Ghent. Her FWO-funded dissertation, entitled “Masculinity as Property”, sits at the intersection of legal studies, gender studies, and philosophy. She relies on the notion of property as a heuristic tool to make visible where male privilege hides in an increasingly gender-neutral legal system. In doing so, she attempts to unravel how law discursively constructs masculinity and normatively impacts people of all genders as well as how the social group of men (can) rely on law to sustain a hegemony. In this way, her research rethinks the way law, gender and power are intertwined. Ariel was previously a Fulbright student at the University of California, Los Angeles and a visiting researcher at King’s College London as well as the University of California, Irvine.