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Dr. Benjamin Meeusen

Affiliated Senior Researcher

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  • Email benjamin.meeusen[@]
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Dr. Benjamin Meeusen's Bio

Benjamin Meeusen was a PhD research fellow within the research group of Constitutional Law. He holds a Master of Laws from Ghent University and a Bachelor’s degree in Political Sciences from the University of Antwerp.

The research project of Benjamin focusses on the intensity of review in the jurisprudence of the Belgian Constitutional Court (BeCC). It relies on a comparative legal study of intensity of review in U.S.A, UK and Germany, as well as on a empirical qualitative content analysis of the case-law of the BeCC.

He promoted successfully to doctor in laws on 10 October 2023.

Dr. Benjamin Meeusen's Publications

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Dr. Benjamin Meeusen's work details
  • Contact Hours: On appointment
  • Visiting Address: Paddenhoek 5, 2nd Floor, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
  • Postal Address: Ghent University, Campus Aula, Constitutional Law Research Group, Universiteitstraat 4, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
Dr. Benjamin Meeusen's expertise
  • Constitutional Law


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