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Carolien Vekemans

Doctoral Researcher

  • Email carolien.vekemans[@]
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Carolien Vekemans' Bio

Carolien Vekemans is a doctoral researcher at the Human Rights Centre at Ghent University. During her master’s degree in Gender and Diversity (2019), she developed a keen interest in the interaction of gender with human rights.

The research project of Carolien therefore focuses on the interplay of gender, postcolonial feminism, intersectionality and human rights. The framework in which she brings these interactions together is the context of access to infertility care, with a specific focus on the Global South.

Carolien Vekemans' Publications

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Carolien Vekemans' work details
  • Contact Hours: On appointment
  • Visiting Address: Paddenhoek 5, 1st Floor, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
  • Postal Address: Ghent University, Campus Aula, Human Rights Centre, Universiteitstraat 4, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
Carolien Vekemans' expertise
  • Gender equality, sexual and reproductive rights, LGBTIQ Rights


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