Marlies Vanhooren is an academic assistant and PhD researcher at the Human Rights Centre. She studied History at the KULeuven and wrote her Master’s thesis on the Age of Consent in British India at the University of Calcutta. She then completed the Preparatory Program for the Master of Laws at Ghent University. During her Masters, she studied a semester at the Universität Zürich (UZH), took part in the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition (her team obtained 18th place internationally) and wrote her second Master’s thesis on the State of Emergency in International Human Rights Law.
Afterwards, she worked at the Universität Zürich as a research assistant at the Chair of Private Law, Roman Law and Papyrology, held by professor Dr. Alonso and later at the Universität Luzern as Associate Director of the Human Rights Academy. Before joining the Human Rights Centre, she worked briefly at the West-Flemish Prosecution’s Office.
She combines her interests in women’s rights and postcolonialism in her current research. Her project is in collaboration with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities and focuses on the influence of medicalisation on reproductive justice. As an academic assistant, Marlies is assigned to International Human Rights Law.
University Degrees
• Master in Laws, Ghent University, Belgium, 2018
• Preparation Program to the Master in Laws, Ghent University, Belgium, 2016
• Master in the Arts, Department of History, KULeuven, Belgium, 2013
• Bachelor in the Arts, Department of History, KULeuven, Belgium, 2013