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Rachida Lamrabet

Assistant Legal Clinic (discrimination law)

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Rachida Lamrabet's Bio

Rachida Lamrabet is a Moroccan-Belgian writer who writes in Dutch.

She was born in 1970 in Morocco and migrated with her parents to Belgium in 1972.

It all begins in 2006 when she receives the first price in the short story contest ‘Color the Art’ of the multicultural platform Kif Kif with her story Mercedes 207, later published in Kif Kif. Nieuwe stemmen uit Vlaanderen, (Kif Kif, New voices in Flanders) publisher Meulenhoff/Manteau.

She debutes in 2007 with the novel Vrouwland (Womens country) which tells the different stories of a few young men and women, each of them undertaking a journey to find a better life and to discover what they really want.

She receives for this book the price for the most promising début in Flanders in 2008.

Her short story collection Een kind van God (A child of god) is published in 2009 for which she receives in January 2010 the BNG Nieuwe Literatuurprijs (BNG New Literature prize) in Amsterdam (The Netherlands).

Both books have been translated in German and are published in Germany by  Luchterland Verlag.

Her second novel De man die niet begraven wilde worden (The man who didn’t wanted to be buried) appeared at De Bezige Bij, Antwerp in 2011.

In 2017 she published an essay on free speech (‘Zwijg, allochtoon!’, EPO)

And in September 2018 her third novel, ‘Vertel het iemand.’ was published.

Lamrabet has also set her steps in theatre, writing the scripts for the plays Belga (2009), Zetels van goud (Sofa’s of gold) (2012-2018), De handen van Fatma (2014).  She made an adaptation for theatre of an old Arabic story The case of the animals against the humans, a text from the tenth century, written by  a writer’s collective of philosophers and scholars called The pure brothers of Basra. She wrote the script of the short film ‘Project Deburkanisation and is actually working on a new theatertext ‘Dihya’

Rachida Lamrabet's Publications

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Rachida Lamrabet's work details
  • Contact Hours: On appointment
  • Visiting Address: Universiteitstraat 8, Right Wing, Ground Floor, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
  • Postal Address: Ghent University, Campus Aula, Human Rights Centre, Universiteitstraat 4, 9000 Ghent, Belgium


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