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Sara Lembrechts

Doctoral researcher

  • Email sara.lembrechts[@]
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Sara Lembrechts' Bio

Sara Lembrechts is a PhD researcher at the Migration Law Research Group at Ghent University. She studies children’s rights in appellate asylum proceedings in Belgium, using a multidisciplinary approach of legal ethnography. Her research is supervised by Prof. Dr. Ellen Desmet and embedded in the interfaculty Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees (CESSMIR) and the Human Rights Centre (HRC).

Sara has a Master’s in Children’s Rights and Childhood Studies (Berlin, 2013), an LLM in International Laws (Maastricht, 2011) and a Bachelor in European Studies (Maastricht, 2009). Before starting her PhD, she worked as a researcher and policy advisor for the Children’s Rights Knowledge Centre (KeKi, 2012-2020). In addition, she was involved in several research projects about children’s rights and child abduction (University of Antwerp, 2016-2020).

During her studies, Sara interned with the UNICEF Liaison Office at the United Nations in Geneva (2011), with the Belgian National Commission on the Rights of the Child (2010) and with Amnesty International in New Zealand (2008).

Her publications and research interests cover children’s rights, human rights, child participation in legal proceedings, child abduction and knowledge management. She co-authored the Children’s Rights Legal Commentary on the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Protocols (Edward Elgar, 2019) and was co-editor for the Routledge International Handbook of Children’s Rights Studies (2015).

Sara Lembrechts' Publications

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Sara Lembrechts' Professional positions

Researcher and policy advisor for the Children’s Rights Knowledge Centre (KeKi, 2012-2020).

Researcher in projects about children’s rights and child abduction (University of Antwerp, 2016-2020).

Sara Lembrechts' Education

University Degrees

  • European Master in Children’s Rights and Childhood Studies (Free University Berlin, 2013)
  • LLM International Laws (Maastricht University, 2011)
  • BA European Studies (Maastricht University, 2009)
Sara Lembrechts' work details
  • Contact Hours: On appointment
  • Visiting Address: Universiteitstraat 8, 1st Floor, office 004 - 9000 Ghent, Belgium
  • Postal Address: Ghent University, Campus Aula, Migration Law Research Group, Universiteitstraat 4, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
Sara Lembrechts' expertise
  • Children's rights
  • Human rights
  • Asylum law


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