Symposium ‘Historical truth and accountability in the post-colonial state’
Consolidated democracies are increasingly facing pressures to come to terms with the legacy of their violent colonial pasts, and to address how these pasts bear upon the present. Accountability for historical (and ongoing) wrongdoings and injustices related to colonialism is a crucial component thereof.
On September 23rd, through a set of round tables, this one-day symposium had the objective of contributing to this debate by creating a space where issues of truth, accountability, recognition, and social change could be addressed in a systematic way to arrive at a more comprehensive understanding of (a) the ways in which the pursuit of historical truth can contribute to accountability and recognition for (post-)colonial harm and foster social change; and (b) how this has been implemented in practice in postcolonial states and settler nations.
The symposium was organized by HRC researcher Cira Pallí-Asperó, in the context of her work on state-sanctioned historical commissions in consolidated democracies. You can find the full program below: