Ruben Wissing is a senior researcher at the Migration Law Research Group at Ghent University on the subject of refugee protection in Morocco, from a doctrinal international law, socio-legal and critical policy perspective. The research is supervised by promotor Prof. Dr. Ellen Desmet, Professor of Migration Law, and clustered at Ghent University with other migration studies by the interfaculty Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees (CESSMIR), and with other human rights research by the Human Rights Centre.
Ruben studied Law in Leuven and Madrid (2004), and also holds a bachelor in Philosophy. After practising as a lawyer specialized in migration and asylum law in Antwerp for three years, he worked for the then Flemish Minorities Centre (now the Flemish Agency for Integration), and then as a legal officer and policy coordinator at the Belgian Refugee Council (CBAR-BCHV) for more than six years.
He also was an independent consultant, i.a. as national expert for the Asylum Information Database (AIDA) of the European Council for Refugees and Exiles (ECRE), and worked at the UN Refugees Agency (UNHCR) in Brussels on the issue of migration detention. In 2017 he started up and coordinated the non-profit refugee law organisation NANSEN, in combination with the teaching assistant position in Migration Law at the Ghent University with professor Desmet.
University Studies